Vasil Velikov, Developer in Sofia, Bulgaria
Vasil is available for hire
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Vasil Velikov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Sofia, Bulgaria
Toptal Member Since
November 5, 2019

Vasil是一位充满好奇心的软件工程师,对算法和数学有着深入的了解. 他有超过十年用c++编写高性能软件的经验. His expertise includes design, architecture, estimation, implementation, testing, integration, deployments, and documentation.



Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Vi, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Technical Lead Product Development Manager

2017 - PRESENT
  • 领导一个由开发人员、QEs和DevOps组成的10人团队.
  • Contributed to RESTful API design.
  • Designed deployment procedures.
  • Automated the deployment process using Jenkins.
  • Implemented core product features using C++.
  • Performance-tested REST services.
技术:SaaS,云,REST, Linux, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, c++

Core Software Developer

2016 - 2017
ESI Group
  • Developed various features in C++ 14.
  • Developed a generic C++ reflection framework.
  • 用OpenGL实现几何处理算法和可视化.
  • 开发了基于web的CAE数据管理系统PoC的前端和后端.
  • Developed the continuous integration system.
Technologies: Jenkins, Git, Node.js, JavaScript, GLSL, OpenGL, Java, C++

Software Developer

2014 - 2015
INCOM Storage GmbH
  • 设计并实现了一个独立的Linux软件,用于录制CD, DVD和蓝光.
  • Implemented an extensive test coverage.
  • Created documentation with Doxygen.
  • Owned all stages of the development - design, architecture, estimation, implementation, testing, integration, and documentation.
Technologies: Linux, C++

Software Developer, Scientific Computing

2014 - 2015
  • 设计并实现了分子电位拟合模块.
  • Applied local and global optimization methods.
  • 从各种研究论文中研究优化算法.
  • 通过非阻塞MPI调用实现了计算的并行化.
  • Created documentation with Sphinx.
Technologies: Open MPI, SciPy, NumPy, Python

Software Developer

2009 - 2014
Chaos Group
  • 在c++中实现并优化了渲染和计算机图形算法.
  • Owned all geometry processing modules.
  • 与第三方库和框架集成.
  • 贡献了详细的分析,重点是微调算法和内存性能.
  • Implemented Python binding for the C++ API.
技术:数学,算法,VTune, Intel, Python, c++

Search Engine for Airline Tickets

寻找从a点到B点的往返路线这一看似简单的任务,其计算复杂性是巨大的. 航空旅游业的发展使得寻找可能的航班和价格变得棘手. 本项目试图通过启发式和缓存技术的混合来解决这种复杂性. 搜索引擎的核心是基于各种启发式图算法,用于在搜索空间中导航. 该引擎的上层积极地在NoSQL数据库中预计算和缓存数百gb的数据.

I oversaw the delivery of the project.
My responsibilities included:
- resource allocation
- release and deployment management
- active participation in code reviews
- delivery of core features

The technologies used were:
- modern C++, Python
- several SQL and NoSQL databases
- Linux, Git
- virtualization and distributed computing

Framework for Generic C++ Reflection

c++和大多数现代语言之间的一个关键区别是缺乏反射——执行运行时自省和方法调用的能力. 其主要原因是c++的核心理念——“不用为不用的东西买单”.然而,即使在c++环境中,反射也有一些有用的应用:

My responsibilities included:
- automatic serialization and deserialization
- in-depth code analysis

该项目的目的是为c++反射创建一个通用框架,该框架可以在任何代码库上运行,而无需对代码进行任何修改. The implementation of the framework was based on a two-pass compilation; the purpose of the first pass was to gather and store the class meta information. 该框架是用c++编写的,并充分利用了现代c++特性——可变模板和模板特征技术.

My responsibilities in the project were to design, implement, and document the entire framework, 以及提供上述应用程序的概念实现的证明.

Subdivision and Displacement Geometry Algorithms

每个逼真渲染引擎的关键部分是底层几何, which represents all objects in the scene. 从简单的网格中有各种各样的几何形状, NURBS, metaballs, point clouds, and dynamic geometry, to name a few. 这个项目的目的是实现各种类型的动态几何, generating demand only when needed. 几何处理是渲染系统中需要最多处理时间和内存的部分之一. 这就是为什么正确选择算法和彻底优化是至关重要的.

我致力于这个项目和V-Ray渲染引擎. I had ownership of the dynamic geometry modules.
My responsibilities included:
- integration of third-party geometry libraries
- documentation


Molecular Potential Fitting

该项目包括实现Tremolo-X软件的潜在拟合模块. 该模块的目的是利用各种局部和全局优化技术来找到一组模型参数,使模型值与实际数据之间的差异最小化. 该模块是用Python实现的,并使用OpenMPI框架部署在集群环境中.


c++, c++ 14, Java, JavaScript, Bash, Python, HTML, PHP, CSS, GLSL


Standard Template Library (STL), jQuery, Node.js, NumPy, SciPy, Open MPI, OpenGL


Git, CMake, Jira, Confluence, Visual Studio, VTune, Jenkins, Gerrit, Buildbot, Apache JMeter, Postman, Vagrant




算法,数学,数据结构,软件架构,处理 & Threading, Profiling, Debugging, Performance Tuning, Full-stack, Numerical Methods, Computational Geometry, Vi, Cloud, SaaS, Rendering


Boost, Bootstrap, Swagger


Linux, Windows, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Intel, NVIDIA CUDA, Docker


MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB

2012 - 2016


University of Bonn - Bonn, Germany

2010 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Sofia University - Sofia, Bulgaria

2007 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Sofia University - Sofia, Bulgaria