Darien Pardinas Diaz, Developer in Cary, NC, United States
Darien is available for hire
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Darien Pardinas Diaz

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Cary, NC, United States
Toptal Member Since
January 9, 2018

Darien是一位精通图像处理的软件工程师, desktop application, and systems development. He worked as a research engineer in the early stages of his career, writing tools to acquire and process large volumes of scientific data. 后来,他开始为医疗设备开发符合FDA标准的软件. 最近,他一直在为一家3D打印公司编写应用软件.


C#, Azure, Kubernetes, Terraform, Azure Functions
C++, C++20, Red Hat Linux, Bash, Python, GCC, Clang
SAS Institute
Machine Learning, WebAssembly, Data Visualization, Python, C++, HTML




Preferred Environment

C++17, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, CMake, Visual Studio

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Worked with customers to bring their workloads to the Azure Cloud.
  • 开发了多个Azure DevOps CI/CD管道,用于构建和发布容器化软件.
  • 带来了软件开发的最佳实践,以确保代码质量(可读性和可维护性).
Technologies: C#, Azure, Kubernetes, Terraform, Azure Functions

Senior Engineer, Software Integration

2021 - PRESENT
  • 开发了一个c++构建系统来处理跨项目依赖关系和第三方库的所有构建变体. 它基于Conan包管理器,并与HTSlib、minimap和Boost等库一起工作.
  • 包括GCC、CLANG和NVCC作为编译器,并启用了带有消毒器的构建变体.
  • 结合了用于持续集成的STL调试和针对不同版本的GNU C库发布的静态LTO/fast-math.
  • 在高度并行的多线程应用程序上实现并集成了机器学习特征提取和模型推理工作流.
Technologies: C++, C++20, Red Hat Linux, Bash, Python, GCC, Clang

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2021
SAS Institute
  • 为SAS Graph产品(ODS Graphics)开发跨平台数据可视化组件, SAS Viya, etc.). Components included data-driven layouts, large datasets, and cross-compilation to run on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and WebAssembly.
  • Contributed significantly to our large build infrastructure and tools, including automatic project generation for a wide range of IDEs, test suite optimizations based on project changes and dependencies, and so on.
  • Developed tools with Python and HTML, CSS, 和JavaScript来轻松地可视化我们的基准SVG文件中的差异.
  • Promoted state-of-the-art tooling for C++ development, including CLion, Resharper C++, clang-tidy, and clang-format.
技术:机器学习,WebAssembly,数据可视化,Python, c++, HTML

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
3D Systems
  • 针对构建平台中具有重复部件的大构建卷,提出了优化作业切片过程的算法.
  • 使用Qt和OpenGL开发了一个可视化工具,用于加载和检查大型打印作业,如果没有数据压缩,这些作业将无法装入PC的RAM. 该工具现在被工艺工程师广泛用于在开始打印零件之前验证体素数据.
  • 设计自动化工具,帮助同步来自单个打印机(由工艺工程师开发)和打印软件使用的中央数据库的复杂参数集.
Technologies: Windows Desktop, 3D Geometric Analysis, C#, C++, Qt 5

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
  • 为符合fda要求的医疗设备开发仪器软件,用于处理中通量血液学和病理染色.
  • 成功设计并实现关键软件组件(机载混合试剂制备), flow cytometry measurement procedure, and an interim pass-through communication model).
  • 通过研究更有效的方法来制定病理染色(调度)的仪器执行计划,大大减少了周转时间, graph operations).
  • 解决大型代码库中的bug,这需要出色的解决问题的技能,并结合分布式系统等领域的广泛领域知识, data mining, visualization, signal processing, and more.
Technologies: Real-time Systems, C#, C++

Research Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
Bionics Institute
  • Developed, tested, 并维护临床软件应用程序,以在第一个澳大利亚原型的第一次临床试验范围内测试和校准视网膜植入物.
  • Implemented software for signal processing and analysis, psychophysics research, and control of stimulation parameters for device use in patients.
  • 设计并实施涉及实时眼动追踪的研究实验, position tracking, video feeds, 以及澳大利亚首个在人类身上测试的仿生眼原型的计算机视觉算法.
  • 开发了新的脉冲刺激策略,在连续刺激视觉假体时显著减少视觉知觉的消退效应.
  • 引入自动化测试框架,在实验和刺激研究中引入代码更改后,系统地确保患者安全.
  • 增加了对新的神经刺激装置的支持,用于植入视觉假体的患者.
技术:CMake, OpenCV, Boost, Qt, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), c#, c++, QCustomPlot

Software Engineer

2012 - 2014
Braendler Engineering
  • 开发基于计算机视觉(图像分析)的定制机器检测系统的软件组件, algorithm design, coding, testing, performance optimization, integration with industrial cameras, HMI, and other hardware, and more).
  • 创建了一个全景捕获系统,以图像风力涡轮机叶片和其他资产(捕获), storage, processing, condition analysis, and reporting components).
  • 提出了高性能的计算机视觉算法,允许完成高技术复杂性的未决项目(铂条缺陷检测), sealed bags, and printing inspection systems).
  • Built all the software components of a panoramic, ground-based, high-resolution image capture system to inspect assets from the ground. 该检测系统已在澳大利亚和欧洲成功部署,检测了300多台风力涡轮机的叶片, concrete ceilings, cooling towers, steel structures, 在这些地方,直接接触是很困难的,而且涉及到健康和安全问题.
  • 开发了一个图像管理系统,用于标注和可视化资产检查结果. 该软件已成为管理资产检查生成的高分辨率图像数据的平台, annotate/measure defects, 并生成深度变焦图像,以实现千兆像素全景图的快速详细可视化.
Technologies: Image Processing, Computer Vision, C++, C#

C++ Implementation

这是MATLAB filtfilt方法的实现,它产生与MATLAB相同的输出. However, 实现完全是用c++编写的,除了Eigen之外不需要任何外部库. 该库仅用于计算初始系数时的简单矩阵代数.


C++, C#, HTML, TypeScript, C++17, Python, Bash


Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Boost, Qt, Qt 5


PyQt 5, OpenCV, OpenGL


CMake, MATLAB, Git, Emscripten, Visual Studio, GCC, Terraform


DevOps, Real-time Systems, Scrum, Agile


Linux, Windows, Windows Desktop, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Red Hat Linux, Azure, Kubernetes, Azure Functions


Charts, Image Processing, Computer Vision Algorithms, QCustomPlot, 3D Geometric Analysis, Computer Vision, Data Visualization, WebAssembly, Machine Learning, C++20, Clang

2008 - 2009

Masters's Degree in Signals and Systems

Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas - Santa Clara, Cuba

2002 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas - Santa Clara, Cuba


C++ Certified Professional

C++ Institute