Basil Hashem,美国加州红木城的产品经理
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Basil Hashem

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Redwood City, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
April 9, 2019

Basil是一位拥有20多年企业经验的产品主管, consumer, 以及企业和初创企业的开发者解决方案. 他的专长集中在总体战略上, market analysis, technology selection, and architecture. Basil加入Toptal,分享他在一系列项目中的丰富经验和专业知识.

Project Highlights

Cafu |按需送油(移动及SaaS平台)
VMware Workspace ONE
领导一个团队,推出了Workspace ONE产品,这是VMware的一项价值数百万美元的业务.


Work Experience

Vice President, Product Development

2019 - 2021
  • 领导并建立了该公司的工程和产品组织,专注于云成本管理. 通过赢得新客户并在现有基础上保持/扩大,帮助公司增加收入.
  • 调整公司的产品策略和方向,找到适合的产品/市场. 帮助筹集B轮融资,并参与招聘所有关键管理人员.
  • Led the existing team, which included a remote team in Pakistan, and hired a distributed team in the US.
  • 在工程中实施新的最佳实践, stabilized the production environment, 并率先设计了下一代平台, architecture, and delivery. Managed the first patent filing.
  • 参与产品开发的各个方面和阶段(编码除外), including customer discovery, vision, roadmaps, features definition, UX designs, arch and design reviews, project management, bug bashing, legal, operations, support, etc.
  • Managed external contractors, cloud services, developer tools, 授权各种技术和复杂的SaaS解决方案,并简化了公司的所有IT.

Senior Advisor

2017 - 2018
McKinsey & Company
  • 帮助设计了一个项目,将麦肯锡在大数据方面的能力引入其中, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), 和机器学习(ML),并将其应用于社会公益事业.
  • 建议启动该计划的战略举措和关键项目.
  • 研究了贩卖人口的世界,并深入研究了打击贩卖人口的有效方法, 使用人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML).
  • Interviewed nonprofits to understand their data and how they measure their impact and outcomes; also proposed potential projects to nonprofits.
  • 与拥有有效解决方案的AI/ML公司合作,并研究如何将其应用于非营利领域.

Product Strategist and Advisor

2017 - 2018
Mena Energy Ventures, Intelligent B
  • 管理并帮助建立了一家按需消费的科技初创公司, Cafu, 该公司在迪拜从事移动燃料输送业务, UAE. Advised on the creation of Urban.
  • 参与起草角色说明书,面试和雇佣团队.
  • 为服务开发功能需求.
  • 考察并详细说明其他市场的类似服务.
  • 设计技术架构,研究并推荐平台和发展路径.
  • 开发技术合作伙伴关系,并就各种服务的许可进行谈判.
  • 参与财务、运营设计、营销和整体执行.


2016 - 2017
  • Set product direction and new business strategy for mobility; this included prototyping and developing new end-user computing (EUC) solutions.
  • Evaluated new business opportunities, including partnerships, investments, and acquisitions; completed all due diligence required for VMware to successfully move forward.
  • 与当地的学术和创业社区合作,发现有趣的发展趋势.
  • 引导伙伴关系向前发展,激发核心工程师的想象力, sharing opportunities on various platforms.
  • 监督语音到文本的前沿原型的开发, 电子邮件搜索的人工智能代理, Android virtualization on Intel systems, Microsoft Hololens, ARM-based security enclaves, etc.


2011 - 2016
  • Took on leadership, evaluation, 以及AirWatch的收购责任, the leader in enterprise mobility management; this was VMware’s largest acquisition, valued at $1.54 billion and included 2,000+ employees.
  • Integrated AirWatch's company, people, products, and processes into VMware, 确保成功和无缝过渡.
  • Investigated new growth areas for VMware and AirWatch (such as IoT and M2M); this involved research, development, 以及为行政管理人员介绍物联网(IoT)战略计划.
  • 制定了进入移动应用开发和管理市场的策略.
  • Researched approaches, developed plans, evangelized and vetted options, evaluated potential partnerships, recommended acquisition targets, 并开始了有机产品的开发工作.
  • Launching the Horizon platform, ensuring availability on a broad set of mobile devices; the solution provided secure end-user access to applications and data on desktops, laptops, phones, and tablets.
  • 领导产品经理团队交付Horizon Workspace、移动和身份识别解决方案.
  • 定义并交付企业级应用程序访问和数据管理平台的多个版本.
  • 管理Horizon Mobile (Android虚拟化)产品的整个生命周期, 包括设备OEM和运营商合作伙伴关系.

Vice President, Products

2009 - 2011
  • 制定公司战略,与投资者合作,与首席执行官合作,推动Appcelerator(现为Axway)的收购.
  • 修改了Aptana Studio的产品方向和路线图, the leading open-source, web集成开发环境(IDE).
  • 月活跃用户基数增加150%,下载量增加50%.
  • 衡量并执行新的盈利方法(游戏邦注:如广告、服务推荐等).),并与主要面向开发人员的服务提供商建立了伙伴关系.
  • 在将产品和团队过渡并整合到Appcelerator中发挥了关键作用.

Senior Director, Product Management

2008 - 2009
  • 为发行商构建路线图和产品规格, advertiser, and network infrastructure projects, such as analytics, user demographics, device profiling, targeting, third-party network integration, local advertising, conversion, and network quality.
  • 设计AdMob移动操作系统平台策略, covering iPhone, Android, RIM/Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Symbian OS, Windows Mobile, Java, and Flash.
  • 交付分析仪表板和发布API解决方案的多次迭代,并确保第三方解决方案成功集成到AdMob平台.

Senior Director, Product Management

2006 - 2008
Mozilla Corporation
  • Defined, delivered, 管理火狐开发者生态系统, including Firefox add-ons, the Addons.mozilla.Org网站,以及整体开发者策略.
  • 发起并推出了与谷歌联合品牌和定制版Firefox的捆绑和分销渠道, Yahoo!, Kodak, eBay, and many others.
  • 在建立简化的数据收集和需求收集流程的基础上,领导Firefox的产品需求和设计阶段.
  • 推出了第一代Mozilla实验室, 展示Mozilla社区的实验和创新.

Senior Director, Travel Products

2005 - 2006
  • 制定雅虎的业务和产品战略! 旅游属性:旅游指南(旅游搜索产品), FareChase(旅游比较搜索引擎), and Trip Planner.
  • 领导一个由12名项目经理组成的团队,定义和交付多个与旅行相关的产品版本.
  • 雅虎的流量增加了50%,收入增加了100%! 旅游指南通过与雅虎的深度整合!主要的网站搜索,以及新的盈利计划.
  • Instituted Scrum as an Agile development methodology; revised product development processes to increase collaboration amongst engineers, user experience designers, and product managers.

Co-founder | Senior Director, Products

2000 - 2003
  • 基于数据中心自动化市场定义产品的理念,共同创立了CenterRun.
  • 与灯塔客户一起定义和设计早期原型.
  • 担任CenterRun所有版本的产品负责人.0 to 4.0.
  • 在最具挑战性的融资环境之一从红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)筹集资金.
  • 雇佣一个团队(45人),开发产品,获得客户(15人).
  • 在2003年8月将公司出售给太阳微系统公司的过程中发挥了关键作用, 成为N1数据中心自动化计划的一部分. (后来的产品在Sun被收购后转移到Oracle.).
  • 通过将CenterRun员工融入Sun的文化来支持收购.
  • Presented the product at company public events and integrated CenterRun products into Sun Microsystems’ Data Center Automation roadmap; trained Sun’s personnel to ensure seamless integration.

Director, Product Management

1996 - 2000
AOL and Netscape
  • 领导一个由8名产品经理组成的团队,为“我的网景”定义和交付个性化基础设施服务, My, and My AOL properties.
  • 为AOL站点构建和管理大规模可伸缩服务, 哪个网站拥有数百万用户, 个性化的每日浏览量超过1000万, and increased time online.
  • 管理网景网络服务器业务,帮助四个渠道(直接)的产品线增长到4000万美元/年, VAR/SI, OEM, and web sales).
  • 协调产品经理团队完成从需求计划到产品发布的两个主要产品发布周期.
  • 为网景企业服务器做出了贡献,在竞争激烈的网络服务器评论中始终名列第一.
  • 推出了互联网上最早的商业信用卡支付处理网关之一, 这是一种让网站接受信用卡的服务,它可以用服务器端JavaScript编程.

Cafu |按需送油(移动及SaaS平台)


该项目成立不到6个月就启动了, 正是因为我关于利用现有SaaS解决方案来交付和运营业务的建议.

Role: Product Strategist and Advisor

Specific Tasks:
•与总经理和CTO一起工作, 为服务开发和建模功能需求.
•参与财务建模, operational design of trucks, and data instrumentation.

VMware Workspace ONE

领导一个团队,推出了Workspace ONE产品,这是VMware的一项价值数百万美元的业务.

该解决方案通过提供对独立于平台的应用程序和文件的访问,为企业提供了一种管理数字工作空间的统一方式. 无论是通过移动/桌面设备还是基于web的应用程序访问, a SaaS service, a VDI-hosted desktop, or even a native Windows apps, log in and access were seamless.


Role: Senior Director of Products

Specific Tasks:
•还将解决方案(与VMware IT一起)部署给员工,供其内部使用.
1990 - 1992



1984 - 1988


UCLA |加州大学洛杉矶分校-美国加州洛杉矶